. Element 112, also called ununbium (Uub), chemical element with atomic number 112., is produced artificially by nuclear fusion (in which an element with larger atoms is produced by fusing together smaller atoms from other elements). Each ununbium atom has a very large nucleus, or central mass, containing positively charged particles called protons and neutral particles called neutrons . The large number of particles in the nucleus makes the atom unstable and causes the atom to split apart into smaller components soon after it is created. Scientists gave ununbium its temporary name according to a system that uses Latin prefixes for the atomic number (un = 1, un = 1, bi = 2), followed by the suffix -ium or -um. The element will eventually be given a more conventional permanent name by its discoverers. Ununbium was first discovered in 1996 by scientists at the Heavy-Ion Research Laboratory in Darmstadt, Germany. Ununbium has the atomic number 112, which means that each Uub atom contain...